Forms - Pages - Fields - <Selected field> - Event - On Click (do not work)


I added a JavaScript function “OpenUrl(fieldData)” to the Forms-Pages-Fields--Event-On Click, but nothing gets executed.

The “Inspector” receive nothing when I click on the field. It just starts the edition as usual.

Thank you.


Does your Site Web field have a display type of _Button? Because currently On Click only works for a button.

Hi Jo-Anne,

It would be great if an error could popup when saving with a function in “On Click” when “Displays type” is not a button. Since it’s not supported.

Thank you.

Hi again,

But now I’m not able to change the value of the field.
So I thought that adding the same field with _TEXT Display type under it would do it.
But I get an error because of a duplicated Field ID!

Thank you

Thanks f.i.SCIENCES, I will forward this onto our QA team.


You are getting the unique constraint as you now have two fields on the one form that have the same Field ID. The Field IDs need to be unique to the form as this is the unique identifier for the field. You can have the same caption for the fields, just the IDs need to be unique.

Hi Jo-Anne,

As you can see, all my FieldID are different.

The problem is that the condition is tested when we add a field that has the same ID as another one. Even if we go back to change the name of the first one, the condition is not tested again, but stays with the same message.

Thank you.

Thank you for this, I have passed it onto our QA team!